Wildlife Travel to Tal Chhapar Sanctuary in Rajasthan, India

Wildlife Travel to Tal Chhapar Sanctuary in Rajasthan, India

Wildlife Travel to Tal Chhapar Sanctuary in Rajasthan, India

The site India Travel Destinations gives you online tour booking information for wild life tours to the Tal Chhapar Sanctuary, located in the Churu District that lies at a distance of 220 kilometers from Jaipur, India.
The Tal Chhapar wildlife sanctuary in Rajasthan, India is known for the black-buck that is a flat saline depression with its own ecosystem. A number of migratory birds visit this region especially the harries. These birds visit this region during the month of September.

During your wildlife tours to this wildlife park you can watch birds like the marsh harrier, ben harrier and the pale harrier.
Apart from these birds you can spot a number of other birds during your wildlife tours to this wildlife park. These include the imperial eagle, sparrow hawk, crested lark, skylark, brown dove, black ibis, green bee-eaters, blue jays and cranes.
Wildlife tours to the Tal Chhapar bird sanctuary can be the most exciting and unique experience. This wildlife park is definitely a bird watchers paradise and is one of the exciting tourist spots in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

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